The BMI Library, traces its origins back to 1779, when button manufacturer John Lee, founded it.
This private lending library was categorised in 1781 by Dr Joseph Priestley. We still use the Priestley categorisation system to this day. The library moved into a purpose-built location on Union Street in 1797 where it remained for just over a century until it moved to its present location on Margaret Street in 1899.
The Library became part of the The Birmingham & Midland Institute in 1955, and in 1966 the Institute moved to Margararet Street, as its Paradise Street premises were subject to a compulsory purchase order. They were subsequently demolished.
The library’s collections are being steadily increased by the generous bequests of books. We are focusing on local history, poetry and 18th – 19th century manuscripts. We are proud and happy to support the research of PhD and other students; we foster links with local universities and colleges.
The Library has a total holding of over 120,000 books including:
Copies of The Owl and The Dart, Birmingham-based satirical and investigative journals of the 19th and 20th century.
18th century volumes from the earliest years of the library.
19th and 20th century purchases, including books on history, literature, natural history, science and travel
Late 19th and early 20th century novels and detective fiction
Over 6000 biographies and autobiographies
The Library collection is being steadily increased by the regular purchase of new books, principally in the fields of art, science, poetry and modern fiction. It may be accessed by arrangement with Honorary Librarian. The Library continues, as it has in the past, to benefit from gifts and bequests made to it by generous members.
The Birmingham and Midland Institute Library is proud to be an active member of the International 18th Century Libraries Project, facilitated by Professor Mark Towsey of Liverpool University. We are the largest library involved in the project, which aims to investigate the effect of subscription libraries in the 18th Century. We have hundreds of books which were de-bound in the 1970s, which potentially show the most used books through the first two hundred years of the Library.
Currently, we do not have a digital catalogue, although we are in the process of creating one. As soon as it is available, it will be hosted on this website. Until then, please contact the Honorary Librarian for more precise information on our holdings. Please direct specific enquiries about our library collection to library@bmi.org.uk.
Books and Journals
We encourage researchers, practitioners and academics to access our unique collection of historic books, journals and magazines which date back to the 18th century. Non-members can access the library for a fee of £20 (£10 Concession) for research. Contact Samina on library@bmi.org.uk
You may read more about the Birmingham Library and research in this guide by BMI Senior Vice President Dr Serena Trowbridge.
The Library is a facility available for use by BMI Members only; they may borrow books free of charge.
Membership starts at £25 (per year) – see our Membership page to learn more.
Library Blog
The Library is supported by our energetic team of volunteers!
Hear about what they’ve been getting up to via their blog here.
Want to Volunteer?
We’re always looking for enthusiastic people to join our team of volunteers!
Contact Samina library@bmi.org.uk and we will have a chat!
Second-hand Prose – The Birmingham Library Bookshop
The Birmingham Library Bookshop is located in the Birmingham and Midland Institute. The Library receives many donations of books and we are very grateful for them. Some of them, however, are duplicates of books we already have, or do not quite fit into the collection. These are put into the Library Bookshop, and the proceeds from the sales come back into the Library to further the work we do here, extending the collection or restoring and protecting the books we have in our care.
We are the most centrally located second hand bookshop in the city, and have many books of interest to bibliophiles, collectors and local historians. Due to the nature of the books donated, we have many books on Dickens, local history books, plays, biographies and books of a religious nature. We change the stock as often as we can, and the stock is oft-changing with the generous donations of our members and interested members.
Books are generally priced at £3.
Come along and grab a bargain, or a treat!