The Board of Governors has set-up the following sub-committees to engage in activities to achieve their objectives.
Any member of the Institute may apply to be a member of a committee. All committees are restricted to eight members. They are:
The objective of the Governance Committee is to devise a new Articles of Association to replace the Birmingham & Midland Act 1854 and pursue all means to facilitate this; and to devise policies for the good governance of the institute and to review each policy annually to ensure they remain relevant to the workings of the institute. Good governance is the bedrock of a healthy organisation that is always transparent and open.
Members of the committee are Stephen Hartland (Chairman), Samina Ansari, Jonathan Davidson, Nigel Easom and James Fletcher.
There are three vacancies.
To develop and foster a love of reading; to develop and enhance independent learning skills; to increase the number of books in the Library; to increase usage of the Library by members of the Institute and by independent researchers; to safeguard precious books within the Library collection; and to promote the Library.
Members of the committee are Samina Ansari (Chair), Nigel Easom, Mark Eccleston, Priya Chauan, Richard Hodgson, Alex Round, George Roberts and Serena Trowbridge.
There is one vacancy.
Marketing & Media
The objective of the Marketing and Media Committee is to devise strategies to enhance the marketability of the Institute and ensure that coverage of events is maximised. The Marketing and Media Committee will also focus on strategies which will improve the profile of the institute and result in increased membership and usage by commercial entities in the city. They should be read in conjunction with the Communication Strategy & Policy (April 2020).
There are five vacancies.
Roadmap Steering
The objective of the Roadmap Committee is to formulate a future-proof strategy of how the institute may be refurbished and how this would be funded, examining all aspects of current operations and make recommendations for future use and operations
Members of the committee are Stephen Hartland (Chairman), Jonathan Davidson, James Fletcher, Ellen McAdam and Matthew Vaughan.
There are four vacancies.
If you are a member and would be interested in joining one of these sub-committees, please contact the Honorary Secretary.

The Library
Featuring over 120,000 books
The BMI Library, traces its origins back to 1779, when button manufacturer John Lee, founded it. This private lending library was categorised in 1781 by Dr Joseph Priestley.