Make A Difference By Volunteering At The BMI.
Why do we support volunteering?
The Birmingham & Midland Institute was founded to educate people living in Birmingham and the Midlands. However, we believe that education is not restricted to the classroom and volunteering provides a range of opportunities to learn and develop new skills, whatever your age, whatever your background. Our Member volunteers bring their own knowledge and experiences with them to complement our small team of paid staff. Support from our volunteers is essential as they help engage and communicate with the users of our building, enabling us to expand and improve our programme and activities.
Why volunteer at the BMI?
The BMI has played an important part in Birmingham’s educational and cultural history, and we want to keep that legacy alive. We want to expand our programme, extend our cultural partnerships whilst developing our commercial offer and a maintenance plan. The Institute is a registered charity that currently receives no external funding; we raise income through the hire of space in our extensive Grade II* listed building. Volunteering at the BMI means that you get to be part of the team that continues the BMI’s legacy.
Volunteer positions
We have one stipulation; you need to be a BMI Member to volunteer on a long-term basis. Membership starts at just £25 (per year) – for more information click here.
The BMI will consider work placements for students, graduates and postgraduates.
Please contact enquiries@bmi.org.uk for further information
Legacies and Donations
A registered charity and independent organisation, the BMI does not receive any government funding, nor any additional funding from external organisations. We raise income to support our charitable activities and cultural programme through the day-hire of rooms and tenancies. The Institute has been at the heart of Birmingham’s cultural hub since 1854, and we have gone from strength to strength in recent years to update our cultural offer and scope. However, costs associated with maintaining an extensive Grade II* listed building are rising dramatically. You can help us to maintain our building in order to sustain our cultural programme and heritage by donating now or leaving us a legacy in your will.
An idea of our running costs…
Did you know that insuring the building costs us over £16,000 per year?
Gas and electricity to run the building costs in the region of £24,000 per year
How you can help
£500 would cover the cost of Friday Lectures for one season
£750 would cover the cost of a day school
£1500 would support our Poetry Project annual programme of events
We are also looking for financial support for our laureate programmes. Donations will contribute towards materials and publications.
Should you wish to discuss any of the options above, or have any further ideas, please contact enquiries@bmi.org.uk or telephone 0121 236 3591.

BMI Membership
Access a wide range of exclusive benefits
The BMI offers a range of different memberships tailored to suit any circumstances. A full membership offers the use of the Members’ Room, the use of the library, discount in the BMI Coffee Lounge, discount or free entry to BMI lectures and events and voting at the AGM